AI Video
Content Production
for Business

AI Video
Content Production
for Business

We produce thousands of videos at 1/5th of the cost and hassle

Turn your written content into limitless video content

Get a massive content library
from one day filming of
your executive

AI Video
Content Production
for Business

We produce thousands of videos at 1/5th of the cost and hassle

Turn your written content into limitless video content

Get a massive content library
from one day filming of
your executive

Meet MediaShift:

We use AI to make

1,000s of videos

for your brand

(from one day of filming you, the human)

“Holy sh*t. It’s working. This is nuts.”

“Holy sh*t. It’s working. This is nuts.”

Ryan Chan • Founder & CEO, UpKeep (YC, Insight-backed)

Ryan Chan • Founder & CEO, UpKeep (YC, Insight-backed)

Get a sample AI video for your company.

Get a sample AI video for your company.

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Get a sample AI video for your company.

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Watch the AI video avatar in action

Get a sample AI video for your company.

(With a quick MediaShift explainer)

Video Content Works

Drive traffic to your website

Search engines prioritize video above text articles, and YouTube is where decision-makers go to learn

Educate your consumer

Position your brand as the industry expert through informative and engaging content

Repurpose existing content for video

We adapt your written content into videos for YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.

We make video affordable

Free your executive’s time

 Enable your leaders to focus on strategy and growth instead of scripts and wardrobe

Reduce costs

Our hybrid AI + human pipelines streamline production and cuts costs

Eliminate Hassle

Remove the complexities of traditional content production

You're in Good Hands

Start with strategy

Start with strategy

Start with strategy

Our team guides you through content ideation, production, and distribution

Human attention

Human attention

Human attention

Each piece of content goes through multiple quality review cycles by our (very human) team

Battle-tested AI

Battle-tested AI

Battle-tested AI

 We built atop scalable, best-in-class foundational models

We care about your brand

We care about your brand

We care about your brand

Our team has delivered content campaigns for major brands like Red Bull and Meta. We’re here to help with strategy, production, and everything in between

Leadership Team

Led by AI technologists + content production experts.

Alex Furmansky

A multi-time tech founder with two prior successful exits, Alex is an AI thought leader and heads the Magnetic Ventures generative AI venture studio. Enjoys software product development, scaling operations, and building teams.


Ross Asdourian

A seasoned producer spanning time at NBCNews, Red Bull, Ford Motor Co, and Facebook Watch. Creator of the most popular online AI Ethics course and author of “The Business of Who.”


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content strategy

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content strategy

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